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时间:2009-07-20 13:20 来源:www.jd17.cn 作者:深圳君达 点击:
德国K.K(KrautKramer)公司 DM5E基本法测厚仪 The rugged housing of the DM5E Basic is common to all versions. 崎岖的住房 德国K.K(KrautKramer)公司 DM5E基本是所有的版本。 It is ergonomically designed with a weight of j

德国K.K(KrautKramer)公司 DM5E基本法测厚仪

The rugged housing of the DM5E Basic is common to all versions.崎岖的住房德国K.K(KrautKramer)公司DM5E基本是所有的版本。 It is ergonomically designed with a weight of just 223g, including its AA batteries, which allow up to 60 hours of operation.这是符合人体工程学设计,重量仅为二二三克,包括AA电池,使长达60个小时的作业。 The basic version is specified to EN 15317 and features an LCD data display, which is backlight to be visible in all lighting conditions.基本版是指定中文15317和功能的LCD数据显示,这是背光可以在所有照明条件。 Instrument operation is carried out with one hand via a user-friendly interface.仪器操作进行一方面通过一个用户友好的界面。 This is a sealed, watertight and dust-proof membrane keypad,.这是一个密封的,防水和防尘膜键盘。 Navigation through menus is simple and intuitive.导航通过菜单简单,直观。 The basic version incorporates a wide range of features including Min/Max capture, B-scan generation, alarms and differential thickness measurement to allow instant comparison between measured and nominal thickness.基本版包含了广泛的功能,包括最小/最大捕捉, B扫描生成,警报和差别厚度测量允许即时测量和比较标称厚度。



Features and Benefits特点和优点

Simple Operation操作简单

All versions of the DM5E have the same user-friendly operator keypad interface. This has a central Mode key, a calibration/on/off key, two function arrow keys to activate and set functional control and four arrow keys for adjusting parameter values and for navigating through the intuitive single level menu. The keypad allows access to all calibration, set-up and measurement display modes of the instrument.所有版本的DM5E具有相同的用户友好的操作员键盘接口。这种模式的核心关键,一个校准/ /关闭键,两个功能键来激活并设置功能控制和四个箭头键调整参数值,并航行通过直观单一一级菜单。键盘允许进入所有校准,设置和测量显示模式的文书。 With the DL version, a file display mode allows users to create and store thickness reading s in files.与消旋版本,文件显示模式允许用户创建和存储厚度读s的文件。 All calibration is menu-driven and the operator is guided through every step.所有校准菜单驱动和引导经营者的每一步。 There is a built-in calibration reminder, which can be set to remind the user to calibrate after a specified number of measurements or after a given time period.有一个内置的校准提醒,可以设置提醒用户,以校准后,特定数目的测量或以后一段时间。

High Performance Probes高性能探头

A new set of ultrasonic probes has been developed for the DM5E family to provide the instruments with optimized performance, even at very high temperatures.一套新的超声探头已制定的DM5E家庭提供文书,优化的性能,即使在非常高的温度。 The DA5xx series includes a 5 MHz standard probe for general purpose applications, a 2MHz version, for high penetration as well as a 7.5MHz fingertip probeto be used for “thin” materials .该DA5xx系列包括5 MHz的标准探头一般用途的应用,一个2MHz的版本中,高渗透,以及7.5MHz指尖probeto 用于“薄”的材料 A newly developed 5MHz high temperature probe offers an operating range from -10°C up to +204°C (continuously).一种新开发的5MHz的高温探针提供了一个业务范围从-10 ° C至204 ℃ (连续) 。

Measurement Displays测量显示

All versions of the DM5E offer a range of measurement displays.所有版本的DM5E提供一系列的测量显示。 These include:这些措施包括:

  • Normal where the thickness value appears as large digits in the centre of the display 正常的厚度值显示大型数字中心的显示
  • Mini Scan This is a minimum thickness scan and allows the user to run the probe over the wall surface. 迷你扫描这是一个最小厚度扫描并允许用户运行探针的墙面。 After the evaluation period, the minimum material thickness measured is displayed.在评价期间,最低材料厚度测量显示。
  • Maxi Scan. This is a maximum thickness scan and is exactly the same as a Mini Scan apart from the fact that the maximum thickness measured is displayed. 马克西扫描。这是一个最大厚度扫描和是完全一样的微型扫描除了这样一个事实,即最大厚度测量显示。
  • DIFF/RR%. This scan compares the measured thickness with a user-specified nominal thickness. 差/居民% 。此扫描测量厚度比较与用户指定的标称厚度。 The dimensional difference between the two values is displayed, as is the percentage difference.尺寸之间的差异,这两个值显示,这是因为差异百分比。
  • B-Scan This displays a graphic representation of a B-scan showing minimum thickness values. B扫描这显示图示的B超显示最小厚度值。 The graph is derived by measuring and recording at 1 point per second.该图是根据测量和记录为1分每秒。
Measurement reliability 测量的可靠性

Although thickness measurements are considered as a simple inspection task studies have shown that there is a risk for wrong thickness measurements.虽然厚度测量被视为一个简单的检查任务的研究表明,有可能为错误的厚度测量。 Due to the complexity of certain thickness gages wrong instrument settings could result in faulty results.由于复杂的一定厚度计错乐器设置可能会导致错误的结果。

With the new DM5E we offer the field approved, simple intuitive CL5 user interface and in addition to that the password protected Advanced Configuration Menu allows you to lock important settings and functions.随着新的DM5E我们提供外地批准,简单直观的用户界面和CL5此外,该密码保护的高级配置菜单,您可以锁定重要的设置和职能。

This means: no more faulty reading as a result of wrong calibration, or unintended changes to the instrument configuration.这意味着:没有错误的阅读,由于错误的校正,或无意改变仪器配置。

Upgradeability 升级

Fast, reliable measurement and reporting is in demand, enabling you to act fast on corrosion issues to ensure uptime and long life of your equipment and operations.快速,可靠的测量和报告的需求,使您能够迅速采取行动的腐蚀问题,以确保正常运行,使用寿命长的设备和业务。 Especially in the current economic conditions, investments have to be evaluated very carefully - the DM5E series offers flexible solutions, that are easily upgradeable to the changing situations and the related functionality needed.特别是在当前经济条件下,投资必须非常仔细评估-在DM5E系列提供了灵活的解决方案,很容易升级到不断变化的情况和有关的功能需要。

Buy the instrument configuration needed today with the built-in ability to add additional features to the instrument when needed without having to send it back to us.购买的仪器配置今天需要通过内置的能力,增加额外的功能的工具,而不必在需要时发送给我们。

In case inspection needs are changing the DM5E series can be upgraded in the field by adding eg Dual Multi or datalogger functionality.如果在检查需求正在改变DM5E一系列可升级领域,增加如多重或数据记录器的功能


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